Just a tiny warrior battling the dragon of ignorance and modern
day lunacy ...

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

OBiden or McPalin? You decide.

Introducing the McPalin sandwich!

Here's our "secret" recipe - shhhh ... don't tell!

Take one well-seasoned and tough piece of rawhide. Age for 7 decades before final service.

Add one juicy, slightly overripe tomato. Dress tomato with oily platitudes.

Sandwich rawhide and tomato between stale heels of our daily bread.

Garnish with one slightly wilted U.S. dollar.

Sprinkle on a generous helping of pork, and enjoy!

Cost: nothing - You will receive $300 in federal tax cuts with purchase!

Not in the mood for a sandwich?

Please enjoy our delicious brew - OBiden Ale!

OBiden Ale starts with only the finest ingredients collected from all over the globe.

The rich flavors of Africa mingle with luscious, amber waves of American grain.

A little "luck of the Irish" gives the brew that common-man-I-don't-mind-a-long-commute believable flavor.

The ale is cooked for five successive six year cycles, yet maintains that youthful, inexperienced flavor that says it's fresh from the brewery. OBiden Ale is also available in a non-alcoholic brew.

Cost: To be determined by focus groups staged in major cities and rural hamlets beginning in late September 2008.

Not sure which to choose? Well ... you can't enjoy them together, so you better decide soon.

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